I Wish I Had Run Away from My Future Life but Fear Stopped Me

I stuffed my intuition.

Jessica Lynn
5 min readAug 6, 2019
Photo by Alex Wigan on Unsplash

The night before my wedding I was sobbing. Sobbing to someone, I didn’t usually open up to — my dad.

A wedding can make you emotional, especially your own.

My dad called me to say he loved me and would see me in the morning for the big day. And I just started to cry. He asked me what was wrong, and I said nothing. Without missing a beat, he said, “You can call off the wedding if you want to.”

I cried harder.

I made some excuse. I was exhausted from all the wedding hoopla — which was true — I told my concerned father I would be fine in the morning and that everything was great, except that now my eyes would be puffy from crying which made me cry more. I got off the phone as quickly as I could and told him I’d see him before my wedding with swollen eyes, a white dress and all.

The sound of loud laughter was coming from downstairs while I was contemplating my life and the permanent direction it was taking. I could hear my sisters and my maid of honor — my best friend since fifth grade — downstairs whooping it up, still celebrating after a day of being pampered with…



Jessica Lynn

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