Member-only story
Conquer Writer’s Block Once and for All
Write daily without fail.
I have days when I don’t want to write. I don’t want to sit in the chair and empty the contents of my brain on the page. Today happens to be one of those days.
I would rather be at the movies seeing the new Gerwig flick, at a coffee shop talking with a friend, or going for a hike with my dog in the San Gabriel Mountains.
On a conscious level, I know once I sit down and write, I’ll feel better.
Just like deciding to go to the gym for physical exercise, I go through similar mental gymnastics each time with my daily writing practice — the same mental back and forth with myself — every day.
Some days, I struggle with getting words, any words, onto the page. The blinking cursor staring at me, mocking me, “you have nothing do say, do you?”
I am blocking the writing.
I’m in my way, making excuses *not* to write.
Struggling to write happens when I’m not “feeling it” — when I’m out of balance in other areas of my life — not eating correctly to maximize my energy, not getting enough sleep to be productive, not getting any physical activity into my day, just not giving a f*^k.