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‘America Is a Republic, Not a Democracy’ Is Ignorant and Shows Your Bias
Stop using this argument — it’s dangerous
“Enabling sustained minority rule at the national level is not a feature of our constitutional design, but a perversion of it.” — The Atlantic
For those who use the argument, ‘we are a republic, not a democracy,’ please find a dictionary, look up the word republic and the word democracy, and what the Founding Fathers meant by each.
The only difference between the two words is that one derives from Latin, while the other from Greek.
democracy (n.)
“government by the people, a system of government in which the sovereign power is vested in the people as a whole exercising power directly or by elected officials; a state so governed,” Greek dēmokratia “popular government,” from dēmos “common people.”
republic (n.)
c. 1600, “state in which supreme power rests in the people via elected representatives,” from Latin respublica (ablative republica) “the commonweal, a commonwealth, state, republic,” literally res publica “public interest, the state,” from res “affair, matter, thing” (see re) + public, fem. of publicus “public.”